The v4.0.4 release upgrades go to 1.23 and provides various fixes and performance enhancements and some small API enhancements. The v4.0.4 release is built using the v4.0.4 release of core.
Some highlighted updates:
- Hot feed - support more blocks in hot feed and fix bug with comments appearing in hot feed.
- Add support for DeSo dex as a source of price data for DESO
- Catch errors from txn construction for unlock stake and unstake txns
- New API endpoints for get-base-currency-price and get-quote-currency-price to support the AMM.
- Compute and return txindex metadata for uncommitted state
What's Changed
- Fix hot feed by @diamondhands0 in #670
- concurrent map updates in core by @lazynina in #671
- trigger build by @lazynina in #674
- Updates to support smoother AMM coin creation in Focus by @diamondhands0 in #669
- skip posts that are comments in get hot feed by @lazynina in #678
- Diamondhands/fix limit order fee bug by @diamondhands0 in #679
- trigger build for core disable-checksum-if-force-checksum-is-false branch by @lazynina in #684
- Ln/upgrade deps and go version by @lazynina in #682
- Reduce logging by @lazynina in #643
- for uncommitted blocks, connect and compute transaction metadata. if transaction metadata is missing, we compute basic transfer metadata at a minimum by @lazynina in #687
- trigger build for free-operation-queue-semaphore-in-process-chunk by @lazynina in #685
- Use coinbase price for DESO in dao-coin-limit-order by @diamondhands0 in #690
- Add FOCUS floor price by @diamondhands0 in #691
- go mod tidy for fix-free-known-inventory branch by @lazynina in #695
- goerli -> sepolia by @lazynina in #696
- add gate and deso dex for deso price by @lazynina in #692
- downgrade badger, ristretto, and klauspost/compress by @lazynina in #697
- trigger build w/ add-chain-lock-where-applicable branch by @lazynina in #698
- Diamondhands/fix deso usdc by @diamondhands0 in #699
- remove call to get coinbase exchange rate by @lazynina in #700
- catch errors from txn construction for unlock stake and unstake txns by @lazynina in #701
- Ln/update get highest bid lowest ask by @lazynina in #702
- fix get exchange rate panic by @lazynina in #703
- add logic to prevent submitting transactions where fee rate is too high by @lazynina in #704
- limit order txn comes first when selling base for quote by @lazynina in #705
- bump img max dim to 4k by @lazynina in #706
- Generalize GetBaseCurrencyPriceEndpoint to take multiple entries by @diamondhands0 in #708
- Add ability to submit signatures without embedding them into txns by @diamondhands0 in #710
- Simplify atomic txn construction by @diamondhands0 in #711
- DESO market special case by @diamondhands0 in #712
- Handle focus floor bid case by @lazynina in #713
- update focus floor price by @lazynina in #714
- Push by @diamondhands0 in #715
Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.0.4