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Translation Rules

Myng edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 4 revisions

The translation rules replace a sub string of the input number if the number matches the match pattern. The regex prce engine is used to check for a match based on the match pattern.


Parameter Category Description
name string required The name class
desc string description for class
caller_number_pattern string required caller number pattern use pcre, empty string mean don't care
destination_number_pattern string required destination number pattern use pcre, empty string mean don't care
caller_number_replacement string required replacement that refer to caller number pattern use pcre
destination_number_replacement string required replacement that refer to destination number pattern use pcre
caller_name string _auto (default): use the caller id name in leg-in and passed to legout
_caller_number: use caller id number as name
or any string for fixed value

PRCE Overview

Below table show most formalisms provide the following operations to construct regular expressions.

Char Description Example Match MisMatch
^ The start of a line. ^firm firming confirm
$ The end of the line. firm$ confirm firming
\ Escape the special character.
. Match any chars except new line libre.bc libresbc librebc
? Zero or one quantifier li?re lire, libre libbre
+ One or more quantifier lib+re libre, libbre lire
* Zero or more quantifier lib*re libre, libbre, lire lidre
| Alternation libre|sbc sbc, libre libresbc
[] Match a single chars in a class 12[345]a 123a, 124a 12a, 126a
[^] Not match a single chars in a class 12[^345]a 126a, 121a 123a, 124a
[-] Range of match chars in a class libre[1-6] libre2, libre1, libre6 libre0, libre7
{n} n times exactly libre{2}sbc libreesbc librsbc, libreeesbc
{n,m} from n to m times libre{1-2}sbc libreesbc, libresbc librsbc, libreeesbc
() Sub-pattern or reference group
%{n} Back reference to group in pattern


  • Strip 0 and Add country code +84 for Vietnam Mobile number

    • pattern: ^0(9[0-9]{8})$

    • replacement: +84%{1}

    • Translations:

      • 09012345678 → +849012345678
      • 12345678 → 12345678 (no change)
  • Singapore Number call Vietnam Number then, remove country of Singpore and append 84 prefix, for Vietnam Number just remove country code

    "caller_number_pattern": "^+?65([0-9]{8})$",
    "destination_number_pattern": "^+?84([0-9]+)$",
    "caller_number_replacement": "84%{1}",
    "destination_number_replacement": "%{}",
    "caller_name": "_auto",
  • Translations:
    • 6531245678:+849012345678 → 8431245678:9012345678
    • 8131245678 → +8431245678 (no change)