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Michael Ebens edited this page Jun 22, 2018 · 33 revisions

Most of this wiki is up-to-date, with the exception that the extension modules aren't really documented.

Ammo is a library for the LÖVE (or, Love2D) game engine. It's purpose is to provide a simple, flexible organisational structure for your games. The core library itself is lightweight, but can be extended easily.

Current Version: 1.2.1



  • ammo - The main module.
  • World - An organisational class to hold and process entities.
  • Entity - The core unit of which games are made.
  • Camera - A class that embodies a camera.
  • Sound - A class that makes it easier to manage sounds.
  • Vector - A data structure for 2D vectors.
  • LinkedList - A linked list data structure. Used internally.
  • API Extensions - Lists the changes made to the APIs of Lua and LÖVE.
  • Files - Gives information about each file and what it does.


There's a number of extension modules which can be independently hooked into Ammo:

  • physics: An interface that allows you to connect Ammo's worlds and entities to love.physics.
  • debug: A versatile, highly customisable debugging console.
  • input: A simple input mapping library.
  • tweens: A tweening library.
  • assets: A simple asset management library.

Included Libraries

The only library required (and included) is Middleclass. The Middleclass main file and licence are included in the lib folder.

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