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GWater2 made with - mee++


GWater2 Is a fluid simulation mod for Garry's Mod. It adds the ability to spawn and create a multitude of different liquids that flow in real time.
Due to the complex nature of simulating and rendering fluid dynamics, the backend of this mod requires a binary module.

Table of Contents


GWater2 comes with a bunch of SWEPs and Entities to mess with, and a menu to change fluid behavior.
Multiplayer is supported, and menu options (fluid parameters) are synced.

Features include:

  • The fastest fluid rendering achieved inside sourceengine
  • Reaction Forces (Water can force objects around)
  • Swimming / player interactions with liquids
  • Liquid sounds
  • Foam & bubble particles
  • Multiplayer support
  • Spawnable dynamic cloth
  • Custom menu (default key = G), with:
    • Multiplayer syncing
    • Lots of options and settings to mess with
    • Preset saving
    • Language localization support
  • Custom SWEPs, including:
    • Water gun, modeled by me
    • Part the seas, now you can roleplay as moses!
    • Advanced water gun (courtesy of googer_)
  • Custom SENTs, including:
    • Black hole (forcefield variant)
    • Bluetooth hose
    • Spawnable liquid cubes, spheres and cloth
    • Drain (removes water)
    • Emitter (creates water)
    • Forcefield (forces water around)
    • Mentos with cola (from GWater1)
    • Rain Emitter (minature rainclouds)
    • Shower head (smaller emitter)
    • Transmuter (turns entities into water)
    • Transporter (linked drain and emitter)



In order to run GWater2 you MUST have a DirectX11 capable graphics card

A capable card must have:
Nvidia Driver version 396.45 (or higher)
AMD Software version 16.9.1 (or higher)
Intel® Graphics version (or higher)

If this is all gibberish to you, essentially any graphics card manufactured later than 2012 will work just fine.

Supported systems

✅ = Fully Supported
⚠️ = Half Supported (Must be ran under proton)
❌ = Not supported
❔ = Untested

OS GMod Branch GPU Supported
Windows Any Nvidia
Windows Any AMD
Windows Any Intel
Linux Any Nvidia ⚠️
Linux Any AMD ⚠️
Linux Any Intel
MacOS Any Mac


For Normal Users:

  1. Go to the releases tab and read the instructions

For Developers:

  1. cd to GarrysMod/garrysmod/addons/
  2. run git clone in a terminal.
  3. Unsubscribe to the workshop version if you have it installed
  4. If you wish to work on the C++, make sure to clone recursively. See Compilation for more info


Module compilation

This repository is set up with a github actions, which automatically compiles new modules for you.
Feel free to download new module versions from there.

Compiled modules should go in GarrysMod/garrysmod/lua/bin.


This repo is quite large (upwards of 1 gb), as it includes some submodules needed for compilation


Extremely new versions of visual studio may cause errors during compilation. This can be fixed by manually altering the gmcommon source code or by using vs2019

If you wish to compile it yourself, simply follow these steps.

  1. Recursively clone this repository into your desired folder.
    • Example command: git clone --recursive
  2. Download premake5
    • If you are on Windows, add the executable to PATH or copy it into this repositories binary directory
      • If copied correctly, premake5.exe should be in the same folder as premake5.lua
    • On Linux, you should just be able to install it via your package manager. If that doesn't work, just download it directly, chmod the executable, and place it into binary
  3. CD into the repositories binary directory and run premake5 with your desired build system.
    • I use Visual Studio 2022, so I would do premake5 vs2022
    • Linux users would do ./premake5 gmake
    • List of supported build systems
      • I am honestly unsure how new your build system needs to be. I'd personally just make sure to use vs2015 or later
  4. Now, build the project like normal.
    • On Windows, open the .sln file, go to the top taskbar, Build -> Build Solution
    • On Linux, run make config=release_x86_64


If you need help with compiling, feel free to look at the github workflow source code


By default, this repo builds for the x86-64 branch of GMod. If you wish to compile for the main branch, you will need to remove the gmcommon submodule and recursively re-clone the main branch version, found here.
After that, you will need to add a preprocessor definition, GMOD_MAIN. This can be done in visual studio by going to the project properties -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions


Linux builds end in .dll THIS IS INTENTIONAL! Blame Garry for the weird syntax


Although Linux builds successfully, it throws errors during runtime, which I do not know how to fix. (pls help)
See #1 for more information

Shader compilation

Custom shaders were created in HLSL, and compiled using ShaderCompile.
Documentation on how to compile them can be found here:

You could also potentially compile them via this repo:


Meetric      | Main Developer
googer       | Menu rewrite, adv water gun, Wiremod support, Transporter
jn           | Water-player interactions, Forcefield entity
Xenthio      | Diffuse and lighting improvements, VVIS culling
MyUsername   | Linux help
Kegan        | Github actions / Linux help
Stickrpg     | Reaction force sigs
Mikey        | StarfallEx API
Joka         | Water gun icon
Spanky       | Particle stretching code
PotatoOS     | Quaternion math
AndrewEathan | GWater1 entities
Kodya        | Swimming code
Patrons      | Generously supporting my work :)
Nvidia       | FleX Particle Library


The GWater2 menu supports language localization.
If you wish to translate the menu into your native language, clone (or download) this repo, and go to data_static/gwater2/locale/
Find out your language id by going here
Then, copy gwater2_en.txt, and rename it (for example, Spanish would be gwater2_es-ES.txt) and start translating.
Once done, make a PR here, or make a discussion on the steam page, or DM me on discord

Please refrain from using ChatGPT for translations, as it usually messes up sentence inflection

Thanks to these people for translating the menu into their native language.

Gandzhalex     | Russian
Zeetric        | Russian
googer_        | Russian
pigeondriver45 | Turkish
Cast_E         | Brazilian Portuguese
SCRENG R       | Spanish
DarkSM         | Hungarian
ErickMaksimets | Ukrainian
Hexak12        | Polish
TheOnly8Z      | Simplified Chinese
GoranRayman    | French
Limule         | French
dvdvideo       | Bulgarian
FengHo         | Traditional Chinese


Please consider checking out Gelly, another GMod fluid addon made in parallel alongside GWater2