We have the datadump of customer loan accounts from a Loan Club company for the year 2007 - 2011. Analyse the data and present notable causes for loan defaulting.
- Apply EDA and python plotting libraries to solve an problem for a Lending Club Company.
- This project is mainly intend for applying the EDA principles.
- The customer needs to understand what isn the primary cause of loan defaulting.
- The dataset contains loan custmers data for the approved loans issued from year 2007 - 2011. It has the data for all the loan statuses.
- Higher interest rates cause most of the loan defaulting.
- Grade G has the most number of defaulters.
- Grade G has the highest average interest rates.
- Maximum number of defaulters were issued loan between 5000-10000
- python pandas - version 1.3.4
- python matplotlib - version 3.4.3
- python seabon - version 0.11.2
Give credit here.
- This project was inspired by upgrad EDA course
- References : Aditya B from upgrad
- This project was based on this tutorial.
Created by [@explorer-sreek] - feel free to contact me!