we recommend that you test code on the pc before transplant to TK1 or TX1
- Make sure you install ROS and carefully read the Beginner Level Tutorials
- run Documentation/environment_config.sh to install some dependent packages
- change handsfree_hw/src/main.cpp row 7 "/home/kedou/ros_workspace/HANDS_FREE_WS/src/handsfree_hw/config.txt" to your own Path
- Compilation : catkin_make
run example
roslaunch handsfree_hw handsfree_hw.launch
roslaunch handsfree_hw keyboard_teleop.launch
then you can remote control robot.
There is now an install.sh script(in Documentation), which can be executed (bash install.sh). It installs everything required.
The script is short and not complicated, so you can also use it as a manual.
If you want to use the install script, it is sufficient to download it directly. There is no need to clone this repository then, as the script will do that for you.