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kavithaRajagopalan edited this page Aug 19, 2013 · 6 revisions

RapidFTR will serve as a replacement to paper forms for registering data in times of emergency. Data entry can be done via forms both on the mobile and on the web. Currently RapidFTR is exclusively used to register unaccompanied and separated children in times of emergency; thereby helping in the process of family tracing. Linking with Case Management Systems provides for managing the data collected. RapidFTR is currently managed by CPIMS to follow up on the reunited children.

Form Types

Forms are configurable in RapidFTR. But to get primary data into the system as quickly as possible, RapidFTR comes pre-packaged with 9 forms, a digital replica of the current paper forms used on-field for registration. The 6 follow up forms, hidden by default, are specific to the CPIMS integration.

##Creating Forms and Fields A user with permission to "Manage Forms" can create a form and add fields on the web. Providing form name in base language is mandatory. Description and help text can be optionally provided and these will be visible and helpful while registering children on the web. Fields can be of type Text Field, Text Area, Check boxes, Select drop down, Radio button,Numeric Field or Date Field. Fields like Check boxes, Select drop down and Radio button have multiple option strings to be entered. These multiple options have to be one per line. A field can be edited, deleted, moved to another form and also rearranged amongst the list of fields within the form. Multimedia files like photo and audio can also be associated as part of a child record, but these are not configurable fields. Currently there is a separate "Photos and Audio" form where a maximum of 5 photos and 1 audio can be uploaded at a time. There is no limit on the number of photos and audio associated with a child record.

##Parity on web and mobile Changes and additions to the forms and fields get reflected on the mobile during mobile user login in a connected scenario and at the time of syncing all the records via "Sync All" option. Sync All is a 3-step process of Syncing the form Section, uploading the child records and downloading the child records which are not already on the mobile.

Current functionality

###Multi-language support RapidFTR offers support for English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and French through Internationalization. On create/edit of forms and fields, the web also offers support to add translations.

###Visibility (Hide option) A form once created can not be deleted, but can be hidden from the Child Registration screens on the web as well as the mobile. Enabling the "Hide" option on Form Listing Page achieves this. Fields can be deleted permanently and in addition have the Hide property. This can be done by enabling the "Hide " option on the required form section index page.

##Future functionality All forms are visible to all users. Form specific visibility based on roles are not implemented at this time.

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