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Parsing Logs

David Maxwell edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Parsing Downloaded Logs

Interaction logs that you download from the LogUI server are all formatted as a JSON array. Each object within the JSON array is a unique interaction event that has been captured and stored by LogUI. Take a look at the example log entries below, consisting of two unique entries.

  // First Event
    "eventType": "statusEvent",
    "eventDetails": {
      "type": "started",
      "browserAgentString": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36",
      "screenResolution": {
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 1080,
        "depth": 24
      "viewportResolution": {
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 889
    "timestamps": {
      "eventTimestamp": "2021-04-24T20:19:15.541Z",
      "sinceSessionStartMillis": 27,
      "sinceLogUILoadMillis": 27
    "applicationSpecificData": {
      "userId": "user185",
      "groupId": "60847d43ae062cf467fdb9fe",
      "variant": "mid"
    "applicationID": "e386d221-1b45-481d-bd3a-ef9d2679e60b",
    "flightID": "4246f547-e229-4f58-a5b1-d8ad7c3e0e42",
    "sessionID": "e72deba6-bf54-4311-884a-305273c734d1"

  // Second Event
    "eventType": "interactionEvent",
    "eventDetails": {
      "type": "submit",
      "name": "FORM_SUBMISSION"
    "timestamps": {
      "eventTimestamp": "2021-04-24T20:19:21.411Z",
      "sinceSessionStartMillis": 5897,
      "sinceLogUILoadMillis": 5897
    "applicationSpecificData": {
      "userId": "user185",
      "groupId": "60847d43ae062cf467fdb9fe",
      "variant": "mid"
    "metadata": [{
          "name": "submittedQuery",
          "value": "wildlife extinction"
    "applicationID": "e386d221-1b45-481d-bd3a-ef9d2679e60b",
    "flightID": "4246f547-e229-4f58-a5b1-d8ad7c3e0e42",
    "sessionID": "e72deba6-bf54-4311-884a-305273c734d1"

Note that each JSON object contains key information pertaining to the unique event. Each object will have the following keys.

  • eventType, denoting what kind of event has been logged; typically this will be an interactionEvent, which denotes that a user interaction triggered LogUI. However, in the first example above, a statusEvent was logged, which if you examine closely, shows that a interaction session began at this point.
  • eventDetails, containing information specific to the event in question.
  • timestamps, containing timestamp data. You can use these key/value pairs to work out the duration between two events, for example. When using a web application that requires users to navigate over multiple webpages, the sinceSessionStartMillis and sinceLogUILoadMillis will be different—the first denotes the point at which the session began (the first page load that instantiated LogUI), and the second will denote the time since the page load in which the captured event happened took place.
  • applicationSpecificData reports any application-specific data. In this example, we have provided a userId, groupId, and variant.
  • We also include applicationID, flightID, and sessionID, three values which together uniquely identify the session that this interaction was recorded from. These can be used to filter data by unique sessions, for example.