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Pull requests: tc39/ecma262

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Normative: do not call super constructor when ThisBindingStatus is already initialized needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. needs test262 tests The proposal should specify how to test an implementation. Ideally via
#762 opened Jan 5, 2017 by bterlson Loading…
Unify String and Array maximum lengths needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged.
#641 opened Jul 21, 2016 by msaboff Loading…
Normative: Re-resolve unresolvable references on the global in PutValue. has test262 tests needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#2205 opened Oct 14, 2020 by syg Loading…
Normative: new Annex B.3 clause to specify "AssignmentTargetType of LeftHandSideExpression : CallExpression" web reality. needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text web reality
#2193 opened Sep 25, 2020 by rwaldron Loading…
Normative: Fix extending null needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#1321 opened Oct 9, 2018 by devsnek Loading…
Normative: Close sync iterator when async wrapper yields rejection editor call to be discussed in the next editor call has consensus This has committee consensus. has test262 tests normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#2600 opened Dec 17, 2021 by mhofman Loading…
Normative: Use onFinally's realm when creating functions in Promise.prototype.finally (fixes #2222) needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. needs test262 tests The proposal should specify how to test an implementation. Ideally via normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#2233 opened Nov 24, 2020 by arai-a Loading…
Normative: Source Phase Imports rebased to Import Attributes has test262 tests normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text pending stage 4 This proposal has not yet achieved stage 4, but may otherwise be ready to merge. proposal This is related to a specific proposal, and will be closed/merged when the proposal reaches stage 4.
#3492 opened Nov 21, 2024 by guybedford Loading…
Normative: correct spec bug in RegExp.prototype[Symbol.matchAll] needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#1517 opened Apr 24, 2019 by ljharb Loading…
Layering: Add GetRequestedModules() to Module Record needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#1501 opened Apr 4, 2019 by dandclark Loading…
Provide HostEnsureCanCompileString implementors more context needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. needs test262 tests The proposal should specify how to test an implementation. Ideally via normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#1498 opened Apr 3, 2019 by mikesamuel Loading…
Allow hosts to reuse an existing Realm Intrinsics record needs consensus This needs committee consensus before it can be eligible to be merged. normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#1420 opened Jan 18, 2019 by bmeck Loading…
Normative: Allow NaN values to be *optionally* canoncalized needs test262 tests The proposal should specify how to test an implementation. Ideally via normative change Affects behavior required to correctly evaluate some ECMAScript source text
#758 opened Dec 28, 2016 by littledan Loading…
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