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PBR Channel Encoding

Joshua Miller edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 1 revision


  • albedo-r: The red value of the albedo color.
  • albedo-g: The green value of the albedo color.
  • albedo-b: The blue value of the albedo color.
  • albedo-a: The alpha value of the albedo color.
  • height: The height value; for generated normal and/or POM.
  • normal-x: The X value of the normal vector.
  • normal-y: The Y value of the normal vector.
  • normal-z: The Z value of the normal vector.
  • occlusion: The level of ambient occlusion.
  • smooth: The level of smoothness.
  • smooth2: The level of perceptual smoothness.
  • rough: The level of roughness.
  • metal: The level of metalness.
  • emissive: The level of emissive lighting.
  • emissive-clip: Emissive for LabPbr; shifted down by 1 and clipped at 255.
  • porosity: The level of porousness; The amount of absorption and discoloration caused by wetness.
  • sss: The level of sub-surface-scattering; The amount of scattered light absorbed by the back-surface.


albedo.input.r = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the red color channel of the source #albedo texture.

albedo.input.g = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the green color channel of the source #albedo texture.

albedo.input.b = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the blue color channel of the source #albedo texture.

albedo.input.a = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the alpha color channel of the source #albedo texture.

output.albedo = true | false
Sets whether a final albedo texture should be published. Default is true.

output.albedo.r = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the red color channel of the final #albedo texture.

output.albedo.g = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the green color channel of the final #albedo texture.

output.albedo.b = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the blue color channel of the final #albedo texture.

output.albedo.a = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the alpha color channel of the final #albedo texture.


height.input.r = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the red color channel of the source #height texture.

height.input.g = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the green color channel of the source #height texture.

height.input.b = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the blue color channel of the source #height texture.

height.input.a = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the alpha color channel of the source #height texture.

output.height = true | false
Sets whether a final height texture should be published. Default is false.

output.height.r = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the red color channel of the final #height texture.

output.height.g = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the green color channel of the final #height texture.

output.height.b = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the blue color channel of the final #height texture.

output.height.a = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the alpha color channel of the final #height texture.


normal.input.r = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the red color channel of the source #normal texture.

normal.input.g = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the green color channel of the source #normal texture.

normal.input.b = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the blue color channel of the source #normal texture.

normal.input.a = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to read from the alpha color channel of the source #normal texture.

output.normal = true | false
Sets whether a final normal texture should be published. Default is true.

output.normal.r = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the red color channel of the final #normal texture.

output.normal.g = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the green color channel of the final #normal texture.

output.normal.b = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the blue color channel of the final #normal texture.

output.normal.a = <channel>
Specifies the material channel to write to the alpha color channel of the final #normal texture.